MED 0001201549. This website is only for adult viewing (18years and above). Please take time to read and understand the risks of surgery here.
MED 0001201549. This website is only for adult viewing (18years and above). Please take time to read and understand the risks of surgery here.
Labiaplasty or labioplasty is a surgical procedure to re-contour the shape of the female genitalia with a specific focus on the smaller inner lip or the labia minora. Specifically, the area and size of the labia minora are reduced. Complications and risks of surgery are discussed at your consult as you must understand the implications of any surgery. Please click here to understand the risks of surgery.
Labiaplasty may also involve changes to the mons pubis or labia majora ( the outer lip) depending on your request. Labiaplasty does not involve direct surgical alteration to the mons pubis region as this is regarded as an independent or separate area. Some may also refer labiaplasty to vagina surgery or labia reduction surgery.
Thickening and excess skin of the labia is not uncommon. It may occur simply from a young age or congenital. During puberty, hormonal changes occur and affect the thickness of tissues of the labia. Childbirth at times may cause immense pressure on the perineal region and this also puts ongoing pressure on the labia causing it to thicken over time. Excess tissue on the labia may occur with any individual regardless of activity, age, race, occupation, childbearing status or general health. There are many other causes not listed here but generally, they are benign causes and treatable with surgery. Non-surgical and surgical treatment options are available and these can be discussed with you in detail during your consultation.
Dr.Nara performs labiaplasty ( mainly inner lip vagina surgery ) in patients who have realistic expectations and feel that their excessive labia tissue is affecting their lifestyle.
The aspects of lifestyle involve :-
Some patients feel that their excessive labia tissue whether on one side or both sides cause catching, irritation, pain, and chaffing. This, in turn, affects their lifestyles as described above. Some may refer to labiaplasty as vagina surgery.
Dr. Nara performs labiaplasty either under general anaesthetic or under local anaesthetic depending on what the patient is comfortable with. Only when you are comfortable, the operation begins with antiseptic solution applied gently on the surface of the skin. You will be given antibiotics through the drip in your arm in order to reduce the risk of infection. A very thin layer of skin is carefully removed with advanced surgical technique and instruments and any risk of bleeding is therefore reduced. The majority of the important structures beneath the skin such as the deep tissue layers, blood vessels and especially nerves are aimed to be preserved. Sometimes smaller nerves that escape to the level of the skin cannot be seen are released since the excess skin would need to be removed. This is different from the traditional wedge resection techniques where a big segment of tissue is removed including skin, underlying soft tissue structure, vessels and nerves. Modern techniques, which Dr.Nara bases his surgical practice on, aims to respectfully preserve these deeper structures as much as possible. This, in turn, helps to reduce but not eliminate the risks of surgery. Please click here to understand the risks of surgery. When the tailored amount of tissue is removed then specialised stitches are carefully used so that the wound heals. The technique not only assists with reducing discomfort but also giving the best result possible.
Sterile ointments are applied followed by thin dressings.
Dr. Nara will explain the technique used in further detail during your consult.
All surgery has some degree of discomfort. It also depends on how much tissue is removed as well as the design that is involved in your labiaplasty. But do not worry as this will be discussed in detail at your consultation with Dr Nara. To understand about the risks of surgery click here. We want to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible by using various techniques to maximise comfort.
After surgery we will ensure that you are stable to return home by making a clinical assessment and to ensure you are comfortable. Supervision by a responsible person for the first 24 hours is mandatory.
You should not drive for the first 24 hours.
Light exercises can be resumed 3-4 weeks after surgery ( this varies depending on individual cirumstances such as medical conditions, genetics and capacity to heal).
Usual exercises can be resumed at 6 weeks( this varies depending on individual cirumstances such as medical conditions, genetics and capacity to heal).
Depending on the work you do, Dr.Nara would prefer you to take time off work for at least1 week and to resume light duties for the week after (some patients may require more time off work depending on the outcome of surgery and individual circumstances).
Usually, this will take about 4-6 weeks depending on the healing process and your recovery.
Confidence after cosmetic surgery is always subjective. However, to have the surgical team that you trust in accredited and licensed facilities is invaluable. Dr Nara leads the team to respect patients, ensure their privacy and comfort in order to deliver high quality labia or vagina surgery.
This is not labiaplasty. This represents surgery to restore the structural tissues of the hymen. Patients may consider doing this for various reasons. All patients come from different walks of life. We respect our patients beliefs.
Hymen repair is a personal and sensitive decision made by a patient for any reason. We focus on the respect of our patients and helping them to understand about the potential risks and complications of surgery.
Hymen repair or anatomical revirgination can be performed either under a full general anaesthetic or local anaesthesia.
All surgery may have a degree of discomfort. However, by abiding by the principles of good patient care, the discomfort is improved. To find out more, click here.
Some of Dr Nara's patients ask whether they should maintain hygiene after surgery by washing with either soap water or plain water. It is best to listen to the specific instructions provided and refrain from soap water as this may cause irritation and potentially increased pain following labiaplasty or hymenoplasty.
It is not uncommon for patients who have their period at the time of labiaplasty. However, if you are uncomfortable you must inform the treating team at RevAesthetic. The details will be discussed during your preparation before surgery.
Once the surgical wounds have completely healed with an assessment from the team at RevAesthetic then you may resume using tampons. Until then it is advised to refrain from using tampons. The details will be explained to you at your consultation with Dr Nara.
All patients seeking cosmetic labiaplasty or labioplasty surgery must have a specialist general practitioner referral. Some patients who seek labiaplasty or vagina surgery may have symptoms that may or may not improve with surgery. There are significant variations of anatomy or the structure of the labia minora, labia majora and clitoral hood from person to person. Therefore, all labiaplasty or labioplasty surgery performed by Dr Nara at RevAesthetic is individualised. No patient is the same. As such, without having a thorough confidential and respectful consultation with Dr Nara, it would be difficult to predict how much it is for your labiaplasty or labioplasty surgery.
Please note, the cost of this will vary depending on the complexity of the labiaplasty surgery as well as any additional cosmetic treatments required such as fat grafting to the labia. This will incur additional fees that will involve additional surgical fees, theatre fees, anaesthetic fees and follow-ups.
It is important to understand that you are having personalised professional service to tailor surgery specific to you. There is no other better way to consider this other than to look into your concerns carefully and then to obtain an accurate quote of surgery.
The outcome of surgery cannot be generalised. Each doctor has different results and outcomes for labiaplasty surgery. Dr Nara and his team will tailor your surgery based on his professionalism, training specific to labiaplasty, experience, and skill.
Click here to book a tailored and confidential consultation for labiaplasty.
All women are entitled to the decisions that make for their body. Some may feel that they have discomfort of the labia while wearing clothes, during sport or intimacy. Some may consider other options prior to surgery. This may or may not improve their symptoms. No labia is the same as there are significant variations of anatomy from one person to another.
For a personalised cosmetic consultation on labiaplasty click here.
Dr Nara received formal surgical training from the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine with an emphasis in cosmetic surgery. Some rotations were specific to labiaplasty which covers surgery involving different areas of the female genitalia. All patients are assessed based on the principles of patient safety, psychology and care surrounding the recovery following labiaplasty. Dr Nara received formal training from Dr Darryl Hodgkinson who published the first article of cosmetic labiaplasty. He also furthered he studies and training in labiaplasty under Dr Georgina Konrat who has a focus in primary labiaplasty and revision labiaplasty. The years of his experience and training has helped him to understand each patient better whilst informing them carefully about the potential risks of surgery.
As labiaplasty surgery is not without risks and requires careful attention to detail, this led him to have training specific to labiaplasty. This helps patients understand the risks of surgery whilst taking the appropriate steps to minimise them at best possible.
Our medical team understands that labiaplasty is important and personal surgery. Patients are counselled thoroughly prior to any surgery. Some patients feel they may not be suitable and there is always time to consider what is right for you. Our team respects all patients regardless of whether they choose to have surgery or not.
If you are considering a comprehensive consultation by Dr Nara regarding labiaplasty click here.
Please be reminded that you must be 18 years of age and above to view this section. Please read the description carefully. We thank our patients for trusting us, through our years of experience with patient care, with providing them with intimate surgery. We are respectful to each and everyone of our patients, please resonant the same values when viewing the gallery. Please read the disclaimer prior to doing so. Click here for the labiaplasty surgery before after gallery.
All patients have varying degrees of experiences and sensation of the skin following labiaplasty. Hypersensitivity following labiaplasty is not uncommon and may last for some weeks. In rare instances, this may last for several months. In the majority of cases this is self limiting. Our team is here to provide good after care treatment to assist with hypersensitivity of the skin.
After labia reduction skin surgery when performed by Dr Nara, depending on the type of surgery you decided on, the recovery after surgery instructions may differ. Some patients may find it easier to resume their usual clothing whilst some others may take longer to resume their usual clothing due to any reason. Some of these reasons may include, but not limited to,...hypersensitivity of the skin, discomfort or numbness. Please click here to learn more about the risks of surgery.
It is a myth of labiaplasty procedure being straightforward. No labiaplasty surgery is the same. We appreciate the significant diversity of anatomy and symptoms that each patient has. Dr Nara will discuss this with you at your consultation to help you understand your options better. You always have time to consider what is right for you.
Dr Nara is a labiaplasty expert in assessing and performing labiaplasty surgery. Through his years of training and experience in labia operation surgery, he understands there are various methods to perform labiaplasty.
Historically, there were various skilled surgical methods to reduce the amount of skin of the labia minora ( more commonly in the "inner lips" of the vagina). Labia majora reduction surgery was also performed. This primarily constituted labia trimming surgery and some may also refer this to labia wedge resection method surgery. This reduced the overall soft tissue area and depth. Some patients prefer this and others prefer other methods.
There are other surgical methods for minor labia surgery or labia minora surgery. This represents selective removal of the superficial skin whilst preserving the deeper soft tissue structures. If the amount of labia tissue is regarded by the patient as "long labia" or "large labia" then this method may not be suitable.
There are many different surgical techniques for labiaplasty surgery and this is why we recommend having a consultation with a labiaplasty expert. Dr Nara will look into the best labiaplasty options for you as his focus is to deliver an honest, open and comprehensive consultation for you.
To learn more about labia reduction surgery or labiaplasty in Melbourne in terms of the patient and our before and after gallery photos click here. The content is only for adult viewing and you must be above 18 years of age to view it. Please view with respect and maintain the confidentiality of the images as they are not sharing and only for your individual viewing.
In order to further understand the surgical labiaplasty options available you must learn about the risks fo surgery by clicking here.
Yes, after labiaplasty surgery, our team has a focus on the specific stages of recovery following tailored labiaplasty surgery. This depends on the surgery itself as there are variability of the expected stages of recovery and the work-life balance has to be taken into consideration. Slow and steady steps helps with any recovery.
Click here to learn more about recovery following your labiaplasty surgery at RevAesthetic with Dr Nara.
Before and after pictures will be shown at your consult with Dr. Nara
All operations have their inherent risks and limitations which will be discussed at the consult. To understand about the risks of surgery and ask questions click here.
Is labiaplasty right for me? Years of learning and consideration? To learn more about labiaplasty please click below...
Warning: The content of the before and after section below contains results of labiaplasty surgery performed by Dr Nara which are sexually explicit in nature as well as adult graphic material that may not be suitable to some viewers. By clicking the link below you accept that you are above the age of 18 and the implications of the aforementioned description. If you feel this may not be suitable for your viewing do not click the below. More detailed images are shown at your consultation and explained by Dr Nara.
Thank you for contacting RevAesthetic.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Come speak with us about your expectations. We will work with you towards your treatment goals in a trusted, safe and proficient manner. Results vary from patient to patient as each case is unique with its intrinsic risks and expectations. All treatments have risks and benefits (to learn more about the risks of surgery click here). It is important to seek a consult with your surgeon in person prior to any treatment. Always seek a second opinion prior to any treatment.
Dr. Nara focuses in a tailored cosmetic approach to bring out the beauty in you.
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