MED 0001201549.  This website is only for adult viewing (18years and above).  Please take time to read and understand the risks of surgery here.


Have you ever wondered how you could alter the shape and contour of your body while understanding the risks of surgery? We focus on patient safety in liposuction.  (To learn more about risks of surgery click here). Let Dr.Nara enlighten you on your treatment options including liposuction (liposuction assisted lipectomy).

What you need to know
  1. Is it painful?  All surgeries require time to heal.  During this time you can expect discomfort however modern measures help with discomfort.  Click here to understand the risks of surgery.
  2. Time to recovery in the immediate phase after surgery - generally 7 to 10 days.
  3. When may I resume my routine exercises? It varies on the intensity of exercises you perform.  Generally this is 3- 6 weeks.
  4. When can I expect the full recovery?  6 months.
  • What is liposuction?

    Liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) with contouring is performed for patients that would like to alter the shape and contour of their respective body appearance.   This is performed with liposuction(suction assisted lipectomy).  It is a very good operation to alter the contours of your body when performed by trained specialised surgeons and staff specific to cosmetic surgery.   This is a procedure done under sterile conditions while you are carefully and safely monitored where a selection of fat areas are removed using sterile specialised cannulas. 

    Click here to make a booking for a unique consultation for liposuction.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery.

  • The Technique of liposuction

    Dr. Nara will listen to your concerns to understand the goals that are important to you.  Liposuction is surgery that involves changing the apperance of your normal bodily features such as with shape and contours .  Dr. Nara, being trained, experienced, and qualified in cosmetic surgery brings his experience and interest to your unique assessment.

    Book a consult here.

  • How is it done?

    Dr. Nara has received advanced formal accreditation and training at Ashbooke Cosmetic Surgery in Sydney via the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgeons which is the only facility that trains for liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) in Australia.  In addition, Dr. Nara has travelled internationally for further advanced cosmetic conferences to share and discuss unique cosmetic cases to always improve standards and quality of care.

    Sterile long instruments are inserted after solutions that are used to numb your skin are injected.  Recovery and results will vary from individual to individual.   The depth of your procedure will be discussed at your consult.  

    Book a consult here.

  • How much does liposuction cost?

    First of all, you must consider who is operating on you, whether you are having surgery in a fully accredited and licensed facility, and whether you have good after-care management.

    • Has your practitioner received formal training in cosmetic medicine and surgery?  You are allowed to ask this at your consult.
    • In addition, has your practitioner received formal training in liposuction?
    • Is your practitioner qualified in cosmetic surgery?
    • Do you feel that you are comfortable with the practitioner and not rushed into the surgery?
    • Did you understand the consent process and whether you had any questions?
    • Have your goals of surgery been analysed carefully?

    The above represents only a handful of questions relevant to liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy). However, it does make you understand the importance of these elements prior to even considering the cost of surgery.

    The cost of surgery for elective cosmetic liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy)  encompass various elements including surgeon fees, theatre fees, anaesthetic fees, and consumables. Generally, it also depends on what areas you want to have improved.  

    • Since all patients are unique, you must have a dedicated cosmetic consult with Dr Nara prior to any treatment so that an appropriate quote can be generated specifically for you.
    • RevAesthetic has an ONLINE quote available if photos are uploaded to our secure email (NB: this preliminary quote is generated within 3 working days but formal quotes are provided based on your comprehensive face to face assessment with Dr Nara).

    Book a consult here.

  • Am I too old for liposuction? Or what is the age limit?

    Age is not a significant factor when considering cosmetic surgery.  Dr Nara and the team at RevAesthetic will always screen patients with the help of additional physicians where necessary in order to ensure that we maximise your safety. Certainly, if you do have multiple comorbidities that are poorly controlled and are on blood thinners then the risks of surgery are increased significantly enough for the exclusion from any surgery.  If you are not sure, simply book a consult and we will be more than happy to provide an in-depth cosmetic assessment for you.  Some may ask the question.."Is age a restriction for liposuction?"  This usually refers to the upper limit of age.  All patients are assessed based on Medical Board of Australia guidelines and each patient is assessed individually since no patient is the same.

    Book a consult here.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery


    All cosmetic surgical treatments have some degree of scarring.  Fortunately, this is minimal for liposuction(suction asssited lipectomy).  You can expect the scars from the entry points for the long sterile cannulas to be about under 12mm.  Also, everyone heals differently with scars.  Some heal faster, others take longer.  Scars are permanent but they will be small.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery.


    All patients come in different shapes and sizes.  In addition, all patients come in different qualities of the skin.  This can only be ascertained at your consult.  It is important to realise that liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) has its limitations in improving the apperance of what the skin will look like.  This will be discussed at your unique consultation with Dr Nara.  To understand this before your consult, pinch your skin at the back of your hand, and see how quickly it recoils back to its original position.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery.


    The operation , when done with the training and qualification undergone by Dr Nara, usually has varying discomfort from person to person.  Dr Nara carefully places the sterile liposuction cannulas into your tissues whilst ensuring you are comfortable.  This requires the knowledge of medicine, finesse and appreciation of skill.  It is important to have a comprehensive consultation with Dr Nara to understand more.

    To understand about the risks of surgery click here.

    To book a tailored and comprehensive consultation regarding liposuction click here.


    Liposuction is an important cosmetic operation commonly performed into the world.  Liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) requires training, skill and experience and is not as frequently performed as how liposuction is.  Liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) safety profile is improved when performed carefully in accredited facilities.  There are risks with any cosmetic treatment which will be discussed at your consultation.  It is important to understand what your goals are exactly before your unique consultation with Dr Nara. 

    To understand about the risks of surgery click here.


    The truth is, you do not need any elective surgery including cosmetic surgery.  As the description implies, it is an elective operation.  If you feel that there are areas important to you that cannot be addressed through diet and exercise then this may be something to consider with liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy). Speak to Dr Nara at your consultation and he will enlighten you.

    Book a consult here.


    Basically, the higher an individual's body mass index, the higher the risk of surgery.  This, however, does not exclude you completely from liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy)!  Some patients may decide to have liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) within reasonable limits to have a smaller improvement in some areas.  You will be excluded if the body mass index is above the limit of what is safe especially for liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy).  To understand this more thoroughly, Dr Nara will go through a few important aspects with you to understand your goals better.  Don't hesitate to ask questions at your consultation.

    Ask questions at your consult here.

    To understand about the risks of surgery click here.


    Please scroll down and view the before and after results of Dr Nara's patients.  These are only some examples of how liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) can alter the shape and contour of patients.  Liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) is the gold standard to reshape contours within reasonable limits and expectations.  We focus on patient safety.  However, this requires training, skill, passion and experience.  Dr Nara has experience in skill of liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy) through understanding his patients as well as bringing years of experience performing surgeries into cosmetic surgery.  The unique training specific to liposuction (suction assited lipectomy) will be explained thoroughly and comprehensively during the consultation process.

    Book a consult here.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery.


    If you have been considering liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy), it is imperative to have a thorough psychological, medical and cosmetic assessment when booking your consultation with Dr Nara.  In more instances than not, patients would need to be guided carefully leading up to surgery so as to optimise their results from surgery.  This is only if you are suitable for surgery and had considered other alternatives.  Sometimes, if you do too much, it could work against you such as overworking your joints and possibly sustaining injuries.  So, book your appointment with Dr Nara to find out more about how to be guided properly and effectively leading up to liposuction (suction assisted lipectomy).

    Book a consult here.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery.


    All of it? Some of it?  This is where Dr Nara exudes skill, experience, training and understanding of his patients.  At your unique consultation,  Dr Nara will aim to understand your goals and the nature as well as risks of surgery will be discussed thoroughly.  That is why, the value of your consultation together with Dr Nara is priceless.  At the end of the day, you must gravitate towards a surgeon that understands you well and keeps your interests at heart.

    Book a consult here.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery.


    Dr Nara has patients from all walks of life that he sees during his consults.  At RevAesthetic, we do not discriminate against patients.  Some patients are suitable for surgery and some are not.  This can only be determined at your consultation.  Sometimes, you may be suprised by the possible surgical options available.  Dr Nara always considers your safety and will guide you carefully to make an informed and confident decision.  A tip before your consultation, is to make bring a basic drawing of what your goals of surgery would be like.

    Book a consult here.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery.


    Accumulation of soft tissue around the mons pubis area may occur over time.  Some common factors involved with the progression of time are weight changes, medical conditions, or even pregnancies.  The larger appearance of the mons pubis over time may be what some patients seek to consider a reduction of its' size or volume base on their personal preference.  Liposuction in this area is an effective way to reduce the prominence of the mons region for suitable patients.  It is imperative to seek a thorough consultation with Dr Nara to understand the risks of surgery.  Book here.

    Click here to understand the risks of surgery.

  • How about recovery after surgery in summer?

    To for tips and tricks about this you can learn more by clicking on our blog here.

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Before & Afters

Disclaimer:  The before and after results shown are specific to these individual patients.  All results shown are not generalisable as individual results vary significantly based on genetics, anatomy, medical conditions, goals and lifestyle.

37 year old gentlemen who wanted a naturally contoured abdomen appearance had 360-deg liposuction.  Results shown at 3 months from surgery.

42 year old mother of four who had liposuction of the outer thighs with results at the 6 month mark. 

20 year old who was insecure about the appearance of his chest had gynaecomastia surgery.  He had liposuction of this chest.

Results at 4 weeks after surgery.  This surgery was carefully planned surgery removing a conservative amount of tissue for reshaping.

57 year old gentlemen who had 360 degree liposuction to his waists and abdomen.  He previously was an avid athlete who exercises regularly and maintained a good diet.  Results at 3 months from surgery.

26 year old who had 360 deg liposuction of the abdomen and waists to alter his contour, shape and look. Results the day after surgery with expected bruising and swelling.

44 year old gentleman who had 360 degree liposuction to his abdomen, waists and back. Results at 3 months following a strict diet and exercise regime.

38 year old who decided to have liposuction for her inner thighs.  All patients have differing goals ranging from mild to moderate changes depending on suitability of surgery and realistic expectations.  Results shown at 2 months.

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