MED 0001201549. This website is only for adult viewing (18years and above). Please take time to read and understand the risks of surgery here.
Nipple Inversion Correction simultaneously performed during breast augmentation
Dr. Nara together with Dr.Hodgkinson recently published extensive research on addressing nipple inversion or correcting inverted nipples at the same time of performing breast augmentation. Is this possible?
Dr.Nara had performed a thorough analysis of various studies on this and found that little was found in the literature dating back to the 19th century regarding performing inverted nipple surgery at the same time with breast augmentation.
How common is this?
Their epidemiological study revealed that under 9% of the population have inverted nipples around.
Are you alone thinking about this?
No, infact many patients are conscious about this and do not know who to see or consult regarding the matter. It is a very common issue and at least a consult to understand the matter better will empower your understanding on this. Indeed, there are various treatments available as described in the thorough analysis described by Dr.Nara and Dr. Hodgkison and in particular certain techniques are proven to have a good safety profile when performed in conjunction with breast augmentation.
Is it one side or both sides?
This may occur either on one side or both.
What did the study show?
The study researched that 19 patients who had surgery of nipple inversion correction performed at the same time of breast augmentation. This involved 34 breasts meaning that some patients had one sided nipple inversion correction. 15 patients had both sided nipple inversions and 4 patients had one sided nipple inversion. It was found that the revision rates of surgery involving simultaneous nipple inversion correction together with breast augmentation was safely comparable to isolated nipple inversion correction study. Not all techniques have been demonstrated or analysed to work safely when performed together with breast augmentation. A detailed analysis of the demographics of each patient was also performed and demonstrated in this meticulously designed research study.
The study is now a leading cosmetic research study used world wide.
Dr.Nara will guide you through the intricacies of nipple inversion correction with breast augmentation at your consult. The nature, risks and revisions of the procedure will be discussed.
What are the risks of surgery?
All surgery has its inherent risks and complications. There are potential risks of scarring, bleeding, discomfort, infection and contour deformity. Please click here to understand the risks of surgery.
Reference of study:
Nara, Kishen, Hodgkinson, Darryl J. “Correcting Nipple Inversion Simultaneously
with Implant Augmentation of the Breast, Using “Pirelli” Technique”, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open (2020)